- Convenient & no-cook
- 100% Natural
- No Added Sugar
- Sulfur-Free Ingredients
- No MSG
- No Artificial Flavouring
- No Artificial Colouring
- Suitable for Vegetarian
- Suitable for 3 years old and above.
- Suggest to drink 1 soup bag per day.
- Walnut: Regular consumption has the effect of strengthening the brain. The fat contained in walnuts is linoleic acid glyceride, which is need by the brain development.
- Cashews: Cashews consist rich nutrition which help improve the body's ability to resist diseases.
- Chickpeas: It is a kind of legumes with high nutritional value and also rich in plant protein with variety of amino acids. Vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium in chickpeas can be quickly absorbed and used by the human body. It can promote the body's metabolism, and improve the function of various organs of the body.
- 醒脑滋润
- 增强专注
- 力宁心神
- 益智补脑
- 简单免煮
- 天然原味
- 无添加糖
- 无硫磺
- 无味精
- 无人造色素
- 适合3岁及以上饮用
- 建议可以每天喝一袋
- 核桃:核桃含有人体必需的多种微量元素与矿物质,其中的锌和锰是脑垂体的重要组成部分,经常食用具有健脑的功效。核桃中所含脂肪为亚油酸甘油酯,可供给大脑基质的需要。
- 腰果:腰果形似肾脏,蛋白质含量也较可观,其丰富的营养能有助于提高机体抗病能力。
- 鷹嘴豆:是一種營養價值極高的豆類食材,还有豐富的植物蛋白和多種胺基酸,另外維生素和粗纖維以及微量元素鈣,鐵鎂等營養成分也是鷹嘴豆中最重要的存在,它們能快速被人體吸收和利用,能促進身體代謝,提高身體各器官功能。
材料: 蜜棗、栗子、腰果 、紅腰果、蓮子、 薏仁、花豆、鷹嘴 豆、核桃、喜马拉雅岩盐和天然调味
Ingredients: Candied Dates, Chestnuts, Cashews, Red Cashews, Lotus Seeds, Pearl Barley, Pinto Bean, Chickpeas, Walnuts, Himalayan Rock Salt and Natural Seasoning.
净重: 普通装:16克 X 6包
Net weight: Normal Pack:16g x 6 bags
使用方法: 将免煮即饮速宝妈放入保温瓶, 加入250-300毫升的沸水, 静待1-2小时。摇匀, 趁热饮用。
How to Use: Put one bag into thermos. Add in 250-300ml boiling water and wait for 1-2 hours. Shake well and serve hot.
**We recommend to use FOOD ART® 316 Stainless Steel Thermos. This ensure that the essence of the ingredients can be blend into the soup well. So that you can drink the most natural and tastier of Soupermum and Souperkid Soup.
储存方式: 新鲜包装, 食材是无硫磺,所以需冷藏保存。
产品保质期: 18个月 。请参阅包装背面以了解确切的有效期。
温馨提示: 速宝妈是以全天然的食材配 制,新鲜包装。其中某些材料如蜜枣圆、桂圆、红枣、枸杞、黑棗, 熟地、海竹等偶尔会因为水分含量较高 ,而导致汤袋少许潮湿。 这都是正常的现象。请安心饮用。
Storage Instruction: Freshly packed with sulfur-free ingredients. Please keep refrigerated.
Product Shelf Life: Approximately 10 months. Refer to the back of the packaging for the exact expiry date.
Reminder: SOUPERMUM is made of all-natural ingredients and freshly packaged, such as fresh candied dates, dried longan, red dates, goji, black dates, rehmannia. The soup bag would get slightly damp occasionally due to its high moisture content. It’s normal and please consume at ease.
**Disclaimer: Individual result may vary.