Feminine Health Care Wipes 护理卫生湿巾
30 pieces / 30 张
Product size 尺寸 :
150mm x 200mm
金银花 ,苦参, 芦荟, 薄荷 等 多种天然名贵植物, 聚六亚甲基双胍 PHMB(2%),RO 纯净水, 润肤剂, 纯棉质感无纺布
This product has a scientific formula, cleans and protects the vaginal.
It contains honeysuckle, Sophora flavescens and other plant extracts, which has a rapid onset and obvious effect, and can bring a double refreshing feeling, which is suitable for long-term use.
蕴含金银花,苦参等多种品种植物精华, 起效迅速, 效果明显,能带来双倍清爽感觉,适合长期使用。
月经期间加强使用,房事前后清洁, 日常隐私部位护理等
Open the package of wet wipes, take out the wet cloth, unfold the wet cloth and wipe it to clean
打开湿巾包装揭口, 抽出湿布,展开湿布后擦是清洁即可
Use with caution in patients with severe skin allergies
Not to be used for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases during sex
This product is insoluble in water, please put it in the trash after use
Please store in a cool and dry place