Many women are having anemia, especially during the special days of every month. Anemia refers to the lack of red blood cells or hemoglobins, the main component of red blood cells.
The deficiency of Qi and blood in women body often leads to fatigue, shortness of breath, pale face, dizziness and insomnia.
- Convenient & no-cook
- 100% Natural
- No Added Sugar
- Sulfur-Free Ingredients
- No MSG
- No Artificial Flavouring
- No Artificial Colouring
- Suitable for Vegetarian
- Sweet taste
- Nourishing Skin and Blood: The soup contains Ligusticum Wallichii, Angelica, Rehmannia, and white peony which have the effect of nourishing the blood and skin.
- Stronger bones: Eucommia Bark has the effect of nourishing the kidneys, strengthening muscles and bones, and enhancing physical fitness.
- Adjust menstruation and relieve bowel pain
- Not Suitable for pregnant women, the sick and during menstruation.
- Best time to consume is after menses, can drink for 6 days continuously.
- 补血养颜 - 汤方内的川芎和当归有补血、行血的功效,熟地和白芍则以补血养血为主。常饮脸色红润,神采奕奕
- 強腰壮骨 - 此配方有加入杜仲:杜仲有补肾、壮筋骨之良效,清补益气,增强体质。性质较温和,不用忧虑和其他药方相违
- 润肠通便
- 调经止痛
- 简单免煮
- 天然原味
- 无添加糖
- 无硫磺
- 无味精
- 无人造色素
- 味道甘甜
- 不适宜感冒、行经期女性及孕妇
- 女性要进补,最佳的时期是经期后的一周内喝八珍姐就能把内分泌调理得很正常
1. 可以调理什么?
2. 可以连续喝吗?
3. 什么时间喝最合适呢?
4. 更年期的女性可以喝吗?
5. 备孕时能喝吗?
其实月经后的第五天至第八天是行房怀孕最好,也是机会最高的时间点。 材料: 黑枣、熟地、白芍 、炙甘草、党参、 枸杞、杜仲、茯苓 、全归、白术、川 芎、喜马拉雅岩盐和天然调味
Ingredients: Black Date, Rehmannia, White Peony, Licorice, Codonopsis, Goji, Eucommia Bark, Poria Cocos, Angelica, White Atractylodes Rhizomes, Ligusticum Wallichii, Himalayan Rock Salt and Natural Seasoning.
净重: 普通装:17克 X 6包
Net weight: Normal Pack:17g x 6 bags
使用方法: 将免煮即饮速宝妈放入保温瓶, 加入250-300毫升的沸水, 静待1-2小时。摇匀, 趁热饮用。
How to Use: Put one bag into thermos. Add in 250-300ml boiling water and wait for 1-2 hours. Shake well and serve hot.
**We recommend to use FOOD ART® 316 Stainless Steel Thermos. This ensure that the essence of the ingredients can be blend into the soup well. So that you can drink the most natural and tastier of Soupermum and Souperkid Soup.
储存方式: 新鲜包装, 食材是无硫磺,所以需冷藏保存。
产品保质期: 18个月 。请参阅包装背面以了解确切的有效期。
温馨提示: 速宝妈是以全天然的食材配 制,新鲜包装。其中某些材料如蜜枣圆、桂圆、红枣、枸杞、黑棗, 熟地、海竹等偶尔会因为水分含量较高 ,而导致汤袋少许潮湿。 这都是正常的现象。请安心饮用。
Storage Instruction: Freshly packed with sulfur-free ingredients. Please keep refrigerated.
Product Shelf Life: Approximately 18 months. Refer to the back of the packaging for the exact expiry date.
**Disclaimer: Individual result may vary.